New! RVA’s 2024 Broadband Report

Now Available!

The report forecasts the expectation for record North American Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) growth of $150 Billion over the next five years - by far the largest five-year growth ever! Other uses of fiber are also increasing.

The report contains extremely valuable industry information. Users continually tell us RVA’s work is far more detailed and useful report on fiber in North America (and some have purchased every edition for twenty years).

The report Is designed to answer many key questions, including: 

    - How strong will the FTTH market be for the next five years?

- What are the drivers for this huge overall forecast?

- Where are the best remaining demographic segments for growth?

    - What is the total addressable market for remaining fiber passings? 

- What is the MDU opportunity for FTTH by type of MDU?

    - What is the status of excess materials inventory in the pipeline?

    - How many fiber passings are double or triple passings and where?

    - How is the FTTH deployment mix by provider type changing over time?

    - What is the total capital available for construction by year?   

    - How long will this last? What is a preliminary ten-year forecast?

- What is the changing mix of construction by provider type segments?

- What is the impact of recent U.S. Government programs such as BEAD?

- What is the expected impact of potential constraints on growth?

- What are the specific forecasts for larger players?

- What are the United States, Canada, and Caribbean breakouts?

- What is the detailed history and forecast for U.S. FTTH (by sub-segments)?

- What is the history and forecast for fiber route mile installation for all purposes?

The report is an extremely detailed review, analysis, and forecast of fiber deployments. It also tracks consumer, business, and municipal desires for advanced broadband applications and services.

Respected RVA analysis helps illuminate the underlying trends driving the FTTH and 5G activity. Data is presented graphically and numerically, and includes history from 2001-2023, plus a 5-year (2024-2028) forecast with detailed breakouts. 

The report is based on extensive research and quantitative analysis involving interviews with hundreds of providers, vendors, and industry experts, as well as thousands of consumers. The report provides critical information valuable to equipment and material manufacturers and vendors, service providers, community planners, investors, government agencies, consultants, and other industry support organizations.

Cost: $2,950 /or $2,450 for Fiber Broadband Association members. (Despite inflation, we are holding to past prices for one more year.)

(RVA offers a discount to Fiber Broadband Association partners)

See Report Table Of Contents

See Report Index Of Graphs

To purchase, fill out the form below - and click the button for the appropriate price. After submitting payment information you will receive an email shortly thereafter with a pdf copy of the report and associated materials. (You may also call us at 918-592-3100, or email